#market behavior

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1 month ago

Bitcoin, Ether Rally Cools Following U.S. Ether ETF Listing Approval

Ethereum price dropped 4% after U.S. ether ETF approval, illustrating 'sell the news' behavior in the market. [ more ]
2 months ago

Bitcoin Whales Bought $1.2B BTC Amid the Price Dip, Fueling the Quick Rebound

Whale purchases signal a change in behavior, supporting Bitcoin's rebound to $65,000. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

AI coins bubble deflates as Google search interest peaks

The market for AI coins is experiencing a significant downturn, coinciding with a peak in Google search interest for 'AI,' raising concerns about a potential bubble. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bitcoin, Ether Rally Cools Following U.S. Ether ETF Listing Approval

Ethereum price dropped 4% after U.S. ether ETF approval, illustrating 'sell the news' behavior in the market. [ more ]
2 months ago

Bitcoin Whales Bought $1.2B BTC Amid the Price Dip, Fueling the Quick Rebound

Whale purchases signal a change in behavior, supporting Bitcoin's rebound to $65,000. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

AI coins bubble deflates as Google search interest peaks

The market for AI coins is experiencing a significant downturn, coinciding with a peak in Google search interest for 'AI,' raising concerns about a potential bubble. [ more ]
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

FTC votes to streamline investigations into AI products

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has approved a resolution granting the agency easier access to information in nonpublic investigations related to artificial intelligence (AI) products and services.
The resolution allows FTC staff to issue civil investigative demands, similar to subpoenas, to investigate unlawful market behavior involving AI products without requiring a full Commission vote.
The resolution aims to protect consumers and address concerns about fraud, privacy infringement, unfair practices, and competition issues related to AI. [ more ]
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